Climbing courgette not only climbs!

Climbing courgette not only climbs!
Climbing courgette not only climbs!

The Courgette Shooting Star was to be the first climbing yellow courgette, and was acquired because it had to be perfect for a small courgette bed where there was more space in height than there was in width. "Height 120 cm" was written in the description, so it had to fit like a foot in a hose to my 1m high fence as it could send its vine upwards and then quietly let itself fall down on the other side. In the same way as the green Black Forest that I had previously cultivated.

Some variety descriptions may be a bit exaggerated by the seed producer, but not here. Shooting Star is shot quickly up the fence on one side, down along the other side, and continues further out into the kitchen garden towards distant horizons. And it has not just one vine, but five that spread in all possible directions ??. And the project to reduce zucchini production a bit has failed completely - so far this one plant has endowed us with 80-90 pieces, while the two climbing Black Forest have produced 15-20 each. Next year we have to limit ourselves a little.