Grow your vegetables yourself

Grow your vegetables yourself

It is possible to grow 50 kg of vegetables on just 5 sqm, completely without gardener experience. All you need is a kind of incubator, called GrowCamp, and a desire to eat organic vegetables directly from your own raised bed.

The Danes have become crazy about growing their own vegetables, even those that have no green fingers. The Danish company, GrowCamp, is experiencing a huge demand for their covered raised bed, which is an incubator for the vegetables. Here almost nothing can go wrong. Insect nets protect against rain and debris and keep out killer snails, larvae, birds, deer and other things that threaten growth. Over the net, there is special window foil, which creates a greenhouse environment in the off-season - it gives a much longer growing period.

All you have to do is plant, water and harvest. The little weeds that peek out are quickly removed with your fingers. Lettuce, chili, herbs, peas, tomatoes and all other vegetables thrive. And the joy of putting your teeth into home-grown, crisp and juicy delights is indescribable.

Challenges of cultivating traditionally

It is uphill to dig a hole in the lawn and start cultivating. In all likelihood, not much will come of it. If there is no good topsoil, but instead clay or sand - or just hard soil that has been destroyed by construction, then you quickly find that - ideally (ecologically) - several years must be spent on soil improvement.

Although the soil is good, other problems can quickly arise: The work of weeding and watering becomes prohibitive - various animals and small crawlers eat it all or leftovers from cats make it unappetizing.

Raised beds are manageable and structured units that many would like to start cultivating in. But how do you get the beds established? Who has time for that? And if one's do-it-yourself genes are not very well developed, what then?

These are exactly the challenges that Dorthe Rasmussen has found the solution to with her invention, a covered raised bed for growing vegetables:

“It must be easy and fun to create your own food and experience how wonderfully self-produced vegetables taste. In a time where we have to be online 24-7, it is good to feel that nature still works - completely without power. It is an important gift to give yourself and your children, ”she says.

The bed, which is available in versions for both large self-sufficiency gardens, terraces and balconies, is already very popular and is now exported to 12 countries besides Denmark.



About GrowCamp

GrowCamp manufactures and markets covered raised beds, which were launched in 2009, where the invention won 2 prestigious first prizes at the world exhibition Glee in Birmingham. The company, which is located in Holbæk, delivers raised beds to many countries, but has especially gained a foothold in Denmark, the USA, France and Norway.

The covered raised beds from GrowCamp make it easier to grow your own vegetables. The bed acts as a kind of incubator that protects the plants and creates the optimal growing environment.

Therefore, it is easy - both for beginners and for experienced self-sufficient to grow delicious vegetables.

The raised bed is covered with insect nets, which keep snails and other pests out. Over it you can pull plastic foil, which is attached with velcro - and then the raised bed acts as a greenhouse.

It provides a much longer growing season.

In the protected environment that a GrowCamp provides, you can achieve a 4 times higher yield per. m2 in relation to cultivation in the open.