
  1. Pallet frame vs. GrowCamp

    Pallet frame vs. GrowCamp

    As you may have noticed, if you have read my previous posts, then my garden - in addition to continuously giving me infinite joy - has also contributed significantly to the amount of gray hair. First of all because I have such a hard time getting...

  2. Strong and lush chili plants

    Strong and lush chili plants

    One of the things that is really filling my window sill right now is my chili plants. Every year just around New Year, I promise myself that this time I will not end up with a sea of ​​chili plants that I have no idea where to...

  3. First attempt at germination

    First attempt at germination

    Forspiring! For én som mig, der altid har haft enorme problemer med for alvor at få noget ud af haven, lyder det temmeligt forjættende det dér med at give de små planter en god og tryg opvækst...

  4. Fall


    Autumn offers a bit of everything, rain, debris and various varieties of gray…. But also beautiful light, beautiful colors and warm temperatures, the season taken into account. The temperatures that are well above 12 degrees are...

  5. Harvest


    Summer is coming to an end, and it is about enjoying the warm and bright days we have had in late August and early September. It has been a relentless summer with water, water, and - water. However, it has not blown as violently as some of...