Am I the only one who thinks spring has been a little weird this year?
From almost winter weather with hail, tears and debris - to the hottest summer-like days. I can at least look at several of the things in my garden that it is not quite as it used to be. The radishes, for example, go for a good word.
But a little cock in the kitchen garden is not the only thing the unruly spring has meant. It has also meant that I have started sowing far too late. Or perhaps rather: Has started sowing later than usual. Because even though I love my garden, I still do not bother to walk around in it if it requires both a flight suit and snow hoe.
If you stick to the garden books, it's not so good. According to many of them, most of it should preferably be thrown into the ground when we round the month of May - maybe just with a little squash and beans.
But luckily you can easily do so much later. Kind of right up until July, actually.
You just forget a little when the spring sun shows up and you rush out and throw all the seeds in one bed at once.
But this year I have sown a bit in "the right months" - and a lot here in June, and it actually seems to be a brilliant success.
First, I have not stressed so much about getting things in the ground. I had some GrowCamps going up first, so I knew I had to wait - and when the panic gripped me anyway, I put a little to germination. After all, it was in the ground.
Second, everything has come much more powerfully and safely to the ground. I otherwise have a reasonably high death rate on newly sown things and cases, which usually go to either due to cold, wind, rain, chickens or children. That has not been the case this time. - and it's not just because the children have grown older and the hens have come to the chicken farm.
Thirdly, there is suddenly a relatively reasonable chance that not everything will ripen exactly while we are on summer vacation. And that would be great - for a change.
All in all, it's a really good idea to keep in mind that you can easily get this far into the summer. Some things, such as dill and spinach, can be a little difficult in the heat in the middle of summer, but most other things go well. - And if you also have GrowCamps or a greenhouse, it is also possible to extend the season so that things can grow further into the autumn without being damaged by the lower temperatures.
At least that's the theory - then we'll have to see in the autumn if it holds up. But for now, everything is in stride - both in the regular beds and in the new GrowCamps. And even though I still need to sow a few prayers, I take it with stoic calm! It should probably come up well anyway :-)
It looks good with the 3 newly acquired GrowCamps in a row in the garden. I have only just sown / planted in them here in the last week, but everything is already looking good!