Summer is coming to an end, and it is about enjoying the warm and bright days we have had in late August and early September.
It has been a relentless summer with water, water, and - water. However, it has not blown as violently as some of the previous summers. We must also remember the positive.
But wonderful Danish summer; it has been in moments here and there.
It also has my little arrangement with raised beds and greenhouse a little below. As mentioned earlier, beds and greenhouses are not optimal in relation to the sun, but that is the premise I work with.
This has been the case all these years with the greenhouse.
Yet I have always had tomatoes and cucumbers in abundance - this has not been the case this year.
Preserved; I have had dividends and still pick them up for household needs, but tomato pizza sauce does not come in liters in the freezer like other years.
Fortunately, the taste does not fail - fortunately it tastes excellent.
Long-baked tomatoes with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic and herbs. 110-120 degrees for 2-3 hours, or 160 for 40-60 min, depending on the oven and size. So keep an eye out for spaces. Some people use sugar or honey, but now they are so tasty and get lots of sweetness in the process. So I'm failing.
A luxury with small sweet cherry tomatoes. They are eaten as such.
I harvest squash - several a week, some more imaginative in shape than others. Some soft and brown in the tip, without I have an explanation, but they can easily be used. Some look like barbapapa (if anyone can remember them), some are just snatched up too late - again ……
Have a single squash that has been subjected to an ‘attack’ and it looks suspicious.
A belt that goes - almost - all the way around. Quite uniformly, almost surgically, the green ‘peel’ is eaten. Seems very purposeful and organized.
Squash in every conceivable and unimaginable form. Do not know the cause of the varying outcome, but cut the soft and brown off, the rest does not fail anything. Some are absolutely perfect
A satisfactory number of cucumbers and chilies have been harvested.
The red pepper that stood with a tomato is more dead than alive - without warning, so has no explanation here either. Maybe too little sun…
In the raised beds I have picked up leaf beds, which I still just look at a bit, put on the keel and forget again. They have not yet inspired me. Promises I'll come up with something before the season is over. There are still many left.
Then there is a sparse collection of beans, which have succumbed to lice, but a few beans have won the battle.
I harvest carrots - both the almost transparent and ordinary ones. Unfortunately, there have not yet been the very dark ones that looked enticing on the package. Either those seeds can't germinate, or they forgot to get them in the bag-packing machine. Maybe it's exactly all the burgundy carrot seeds I have left in the bag ……
Two kinds of beets have been sown and harvested, and here I must recommend the striped ones, they germinate and grow at least as well as ordinary ones and are hypnotic to look at. Fun and decorative.
Another selection of the many root vegetables I enjoy and a little celery leaf. Here is a selection of different carrots - but the dark ones are beets. Had otherwise been looking forward to the dark carrots as I have never seen them. I do not think I will do that this year either. Got lots of good carrots, but the darkness shines through in their absence.
I have not fertilized, weeded or done more with the lice, I think they disappeared.
I do not know if the lice had continued their intake and enormous desire to reproduce if I had not sprayed - or if they had achieved what they wanted and felt the menu had become too uneventful… Gone are they.
So the kitchen garden has not been a big burden the last 1.5 - 2 months. I have watered minimally - is implicit in my introduction.
I have removed three clammy, flaming red, voracious, fat killer snails. I think they ran away from home when they were little - because with their uncomfortably large size they have not been able to find large enough 'camel humps' in the velcro closures, I hardly think they have had enough energy and sticky-bugs mucus to drag their excess weight up. the vertical piece of plastic.
However, I fertilize in the greenhouse, but have a little lining in dosing the liquid fertilizer in the water, as I am not completely familiar with how many liters I pour in from time to time. So it's at random.
I have some leeks and celery leaves on the way. Celery leaves have some brown / small-rotten stems occasionally, perhaps it is due to the large amounts of water that have been collected at the bottom and therefore dissolve a little.
Fennel looks very ruffled and thin-haired. Wondering if they will look more than just a colorless finger from a rubber glove with a thin variant of dill at the top, where a little hydrogen peroxide has been lost here and there with a yellowish tinge as a result. The voltage is intact.
Things develop very differently. On the outside they seemed the same.
Then brush with olive oil and a little balsamic vinegar. Home-grown root vegetables and squash are ready to get in the oven. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and rosemary.
After about 40-60 minutes at 200 degrees. Fits pretty much everything and tastes great.
Two kinds of beets, beautiful and decorative, both in salads on pizza or baked in the oven.
Have sipped a little of each, beets, carrots of different kinds, tenacious beans, squash, cucumber, tomatoes, chili, beets and a little peas - tempting, nice and fresh.
Then ready for a little stew and another round of baked vegetables.