It's not exactly the kind of weather we'd like to have here in late March!
But despite long periods of frost, there is still life in the parsley in the GrowCamp, which has been with plastic cover all winter. A few leeks are also still left.
Now we want spring, because there are a lot of plants (and ourselves) who want out NOW!
Lettuce, parsley, tomatoes, chili, dill, various herbs, peas - ready for planting.
If we had wanted to stay outside, we could probably have gotten away with planting peas, parsley, arugula, chives and a little salad. The plants can withstand a little night frost. Radishes would probably also have come up if we had sown.
Because even though it's dogs cold, it gets warm inside the bed - even if the sun does not directly SHIN. If the clouds are not dark and heavy, a little light lets through. It is enough to keep the frost out of the bed.
Former years
It was almost as cold spring last year. But if you go further back in time, it has been different.
Peas are planted out. Spinach was also sown in front - at the edge of the bed.
Spinach is harvested - there will be more room for the peas
Then it's time for green like that
Back then, it was early spring.
Lettuce and peas are planted out.
A whole bed of potatoes in full swing.
Spinach and beets have come up. Lettuce and peas have sprouted inside and are now thriving in the GrowCamp.