Giant cabbage and autumn harvest

Giant cabbage and autumn harvest

Despite a cold summer with too much water, there is plenty to harvest in GrowCamp's garden:

The kale here is 150 cm high - AT LEAST.

It has been enjoying itself over the summer under the insect net in the TUNNEL bed, which is 115 cm high.

When we chose that height of the bed, we were well aware that it was too low for cabbage at the end of the season.

We could have made the superstructure taller, as we did not care that it came to fill more than highly necessary VISUALLY in the garden.

We also concluded that it was not NECESSARY to make the tent higher, because in the fall there are no cabbage butterflies. So you can safely remove the insect net and let the plants run up in the air. And it has certainly happened here with the kale.


The Brussels sprouts have also grown a good distance out of the camp. It can easily stand here well into the winter, because it can withstand frost.

Red scallion has a great color and we hardly bother to eat it. But it looks great in the salad bowl and tastes great.

A single cauliflower remains - ready for harvest.

Lots of great looking Chinese radishes.

Carrots that have become abundantly large. Most are already picked when they are small and delicate. These seem to fit best in stews.

This is NOT chili but snack pepper, which is crunchy delicious to put your teeth in. Chili is also plentiful.